Can I change the port from 8080 to any other port?

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Can I change the port from 8080 to any other port?

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Dear NGL Team,
There is an application installed on server which uses 8080 port. Then NGL is not working. I tried changing port from 8080 to 8079 in C:\NGL3\apache-tomcat-6.0.32\conf\server.xml at line 69 :

<Connector port="8079" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" maxHttpHeaderSize="16192"/>

After changing the port, the application works, but when I try to search , I get a critical error.
I think search will work only on port 8080 I dont know why. Also indexer uses 8080 port.

Is there a way to change the port but keep the search working?

