Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

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Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

When I run Newgenlib from NGL Client from webpage and choose Vietnamese language, some characters is displayed incorrectly.
How do I can fix this issue.
Thank alot.
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Re: Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

Please send us the English label and the expected Vietnamese label. These will be updated in Vietnamese resource bundle.

Version 3 is going to be released shortly, where you can edit language packs locally. Till then you have to send us the corrections. Thank you for the help
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Re: Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

When I run NGLClient and choose Vietnamese language, many Vietnamese characters are displayed in rectangular symbol. For example, the word "Việt" is displayed as Vi"rectangle"t.
(I can't insert symbol here, so it's difficult to describe this error).
Comeback to my issue, for this, it's difficult to send you which English label and its Vietnamese label. The error of displaying characters is in everywhere.

Thank for answering me.
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Re: Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

Can you send the screen shot. It will help us to identify the problem.
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Re: Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

login screen

Main screen
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Re: Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

I setup Newgenlib on Windows XP systems.
Unicode fonts of Windows are ok.
What do I need to support Unicode Version 4.0 and display Vietnamese language correctly
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Re: Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

To Verussolutions,

Which fonts support Unicode 4.0?
How did you translate interface label into Vietnamese language?
Did you test Vietnamese language?
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Re: Dispaly in Vietnamese language incorrectly

Testing has been initiated for Vietnamese version. We request you for further results on the same.