E-book cataloguing

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E-book cataloguing

Hi there,

Does anyone know what I have to do in order my library's ebooks to be searched via webopac's tab "E-books"?

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Re: E-book cataloguing

Manju Channappa
Primary catalogue-->Select Book Templete--> fill all the bibliographic details(if book is available in online add field 856 subfield "u" for url and subfield "y" for link text)(if u have the pdf book u can attach the file using serach catalogue option)


in the holding details u have to select ELECTRONIC RESOURCE in physical/presentation form

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Re: E-book cataloguing

First of all, thank you for your reply.

I followed your steps but the record still isn't searchable using the "Ebooks" tab.

i) It is only searchable via "All material types" tab.

ii) Furthermore, it shows that has an item available for loan, which is not possible as we talk about an ebook.
