Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

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Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

Dear All,
Kindly let me know the fresh installation of new version of newgenlib i.e. without installing any old version and than updating it.
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Re: Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

Verus Open Source Support
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

Dear Sir,

Please read the link given by you is applicable after the installation of previous version, so please let me know in detail how to install latest version? I have tried with is but it is not working.
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Re: Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

Verus Open Source Support
Dear Vinod:
Do you want to do a new installation of NewGenLib? If yes, I have sent you link for installation.
I understand that you have a problem in one of the steps. Can you tell us at which step you got stuck?

Alternatively you may register for a free installation help

Do not forget to send your email id and mobile number
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited
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Re: Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

Dear Sir,

What to do with the previous versions of Java and Postgres if installing the latest version of Newgenlib?
Do we need to delete it first or need to keep as it is if installing the fresh newgenlib in new machine?
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Re: Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

Verus Solutions Support
Is there any data in the database (of the older version)?

On 09/05/2011 09:28 AM, Mishra [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Dear Sir,

What to do with the previous versions of Java and Postgres if installing the latest version of Newgenlib?
Do we need to delete it first or need to keep as it is if installing the fresh newgenlib in new machine?

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Re: Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

Dear All,
There is no data i am only installing the latest version as per the instruction given at

Thanking You
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Re: Fresh Installation of new version of newgenlib

Verus Open Source Support
If there no data at all, you can remove all the earlier versions of Java and Postgres
NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited