How to customize type of materials in OPAC

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How to customize type of materials in OPAC

Dear All,

Kindly let me know how to disable (customize) various type of reading materials from OPAC for e.g. thesis, sound materials, cartographic materials etc. which appears after choosing the "Set search limits" so that users can view only those type of materials which is available in the library.

Thanking You.
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Re: How to customize type of materials in OPAC

Verus Open Source Support
Issue registered

On 09/07/2011 10:03 AM, V.K.Mishra [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Dear All,

Kindly let me know how to disable (customize) various type of reading materials from OPAC for e.g. thesis, sound materials, cartographic materials etc. which appears after choosing the "Set search limits" so that users can view only those type of materials which is available in the library.

Thanking You.

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