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How to get list of Reference books

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How to get list of Reference books

Dr Pawan Agrawal
Dear sir,

Through NGL reports how do we get the list of reference books.
Dr. Pawan R. Agrawal
Assistant Librarian
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Government College
Govt. Arts, Commerce and Science College
Dokmardi- Silvassa
UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
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Re: How to get list of Reference books

Verus Open Source Support
NGL Desktop ->  Reports -> Acquisitions -> Generate Accession Register

1. Select Date wise
    a. Select dates.
    b. Select Physical/Presentation form as "Reference Material".
    c. Select Shelving location as "Any"

Not generate the report

On Friday 01 May 2015 03:28 PM, Dr Pawan Agrawal [via NGL] wrote:
Dear sir,

Through NGL reports how do we get the list of reference books.
Dr. Pawan R. Agrawal
Assistant Librarian
Silvassa College
Govt. Arts, Commerce and Science College
Naroli- Silvassa
UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli

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