Issue/Return should be without help of Mouse and Key board

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Issue/Return should be without help of Mouse and Key board

Dear Sir,

Thanks for adding feature to issue without getting the check out slip option. My one more suggestions is to add feature in such a way that staff need not to take help of mouse or key board after scanning the bar code at the time of issue/return and somewhere system should show number of check outs/check in to confirm the staff that it has been issued/returned.

Thanking You.
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Re: Issue/Return should be without help of Mouse and Key board

Verus Open Source Support
In the case of Check-in...If there is no over due, then Check-in can done by just scanning the barcode. Yes...we will incorporate this feature

Please see "Detailed circulation transaction report"

On 09/30/2011 12:24 PM, V.K.Mishra [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Dear Sir,

Thanks for adding feature to issue without getting the check out slip option. My one more suggestions is to add feature in such a way that staff need not to take help of mouse or key board after scanning the bar code at the time of issue/return and somewhere system should show number of check outs/check in to confirm the staff that it has been issued/returned.

Thanking You.

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