Modifying Book Template

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Modifying Book Template

Hello everyone.

Please I need help on how to add a "Volume" field to the NGL Book Template (under Primary Cataguing).
I also need help on how to add new/custom fields to Book and other templates under Primary Cataloguing.

I appreciate you in anticipation of your kind help
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Re: Modifying Book Template


All the marc templates are available under C:\NewGenLibFiles\MarcDictionary. here u will get all the template files to edit

to add volume information in Book template
open the Book.template file using word pad or note pad and paste below code just before the last code </Template>

<Tag value="440" I1="" I2="">
    <Subfield value="v" Description="Volume number of the document"/>

To add volume information to particular catalogue
open the catalogue--> modify-->click on add field-->type the tag as 440--> select the proper subfield(subfield is v)--> OK
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Re: Modifying Book Template

Thank you so much. It works!

However, I have a little challenge with it. The "Volume" string appears under "Series Name". I actually do not want it to appear under Series. In my library's book template (worksheet), we have "Volume" under "Title". It usually comes before "Statement of Responsibility". So, I added this  
<Subfield value="v" Description="Volume"/>  to the title strings below, but on the Book Template, it says "String not Found" on that particular line:

<Tag value="245" I1="" I2="">
    <Subfield value="a" Description="Title Eg: The Year book of medicine. " mandatory="true"/>
    <Subfield value="b" Description="Remainder of Title"/>
    <Subfield value="v" Description="Volume"/>
    <Subfield value="c" Description="Statement of Responsibility Eg: Kevin Wicker ; with a foreword by David Pritchard ; illustrated by Karel Feuerstein."/>
    <Subfield value="n" Description="Number of Part/Section of work Eg: Part one"/>

Please how do I get a document that shows a list of all the "Tag values", "Subfield values" and their "Descriptions"?

Thank you!
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Re: Modifying Book Template

Firth thing You cant place volume information under Title tag

Each tag has many predetermined subfields if you want to check  available subfields for the tag use the below method

Go to primary cataloguing--> click on Add field--> enter the tag number (eg: 245)--> click on arrow button.
This will display all the subfields available under title tag. u can use these subfields under the title tag. u cant add any other subfields into it

u can use below links to know about tags and tag numbers
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Re: Modifying Book Template

Thank you so much. Those links were very helpful. We're good to go now!

You're the Best!!