My search Item cant display Unicode

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My search Item cant display Unicode

Please help, Why in search Item does not recognize Unicode?


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Re: My search Item cant display Unicode

R S Giri
First you have to activate the regional language in your machine. Then you will be able to enter the unicode character.
For this purpose, go to control panel, choose Regional and Language options, go to Language Tab, In Supplemental Language Support, tick Install files for complex script, Then  OK, then Apply, it will ask OS CD (i tried with XP OS). Load it.  then it will restrart the system. Choose Text services and Input Language.
Then you will be able to enter unicode character.
For verification
If you are able to type in MS Word your prefferd charcter, you will be able to type it in NewGenlib. Because, during postgresql installation, if you have selected UTF8 encoding,  it will certainly accept.
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Re: My search Item cant display Unicode

Verus Open Source Support
In reply to this post by NARONG
1. Close all program on the system
2. In fonts(Windows Control Panel) you will find a font name Arial Unicode MS. Please remove that font
3. Start server(if you are running client on the same system). Start Client
and check

On 01/16/2012 03:11 PM, NARONG [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Please help, Why in search Item does not recognize Unicode?



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