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Archana Sahu
There is a file named NGLClientJDK1_6. Is this required for client machines? But in client machine the application is accessed by installing java run time. So what is the need of NGLClientJDK1_6? How to install it?
What is NGL Vufind and how to install it?

Please reply.
Archana Sahu
Cuttack - 753 008
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Re: NGLClientJDK1_6

Verus Open Source Support
NGLClientJDK1_6 is the NewGenLib librarian's client. Please note that librarian client is part of the installation which is already made by you. And you install this client using http://<ip address of the server>:8080/newgenlibctxt/LaunchApplication
However the client launched through the URL is JDK 1.4 based and NGLClientJDK1_6 is Java 6.0 based.
The Java 6.0 based client is specifically for those who are doing multi-lingual entries in languages which are new entrants in Unicode.
Please note that other than this both the clients are functionally identical.

NGL Vufind is the new OPAC of NGL. Vufind is an open source OPAC application (visit
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NewGenLib Open Source Support
Verus Solutions Private Limited