NewGenLib as start up service and customized URL to access OPAC

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NewGenLib as start up service and customized URL to access OPAC

Verus Solutions Support
Here is the way how I made newgenlib start at boot time:

In our php, python webapps we use memcached to improve database performance. I thought I should share a link about its implementation in java (the first answer to the question is good)

Our opac is available for public access here: or here
I use varnish reverse proxy server for rewriting urls and for webpage-caching.
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Re: NewGenLib as start up service and customized URL to access OPAC

This is interesting if ever I try a Unix-based system for my server. Thanks for sharing! :-)
And I'm also going to study this reverse proxy server application. It could be what I was looking for all along. Is there a manual or good place to start that you can suggest, and do you know if there's a Windows-based counterpart for this?
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Re: NewGenLib as start up service and customized URL to access OPAC

You can have a Unix/Linux server in between your windows server and internet. Let Windows be on your LAN and expose your Unix/Linux server to internet, and run your reverse proxy server-- such as Nginx, varnish, Apache--on it. If you can set up basic firewall on Unix/Linux then it will lead to far better security.
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Re: NewGenLib as start up service and customized URL to access OPAC

Okay, onehomelist, your suggestion sounds good, but let's just say right now we can't afford to have 2 server computers running 24/7. Would you still recommend an NGL and a reverse proxy server setup be installed in one 2.8GHz dual core 2GB RAM computer?
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Re: NewGenLib as start up service and customized URL to access OPAC

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It is certainly possible. You can have both NGL and a reverse proxy on Windows OS itself. Install apache webserver. You can have the following configuration in the Apache httpd.conf file. Then try the ip of the server in a client like this http://serverip/newgenlibctxt. Here are the apache conf rules:

ProxyRequests Off

<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass /newgenlibctxt http://localhost:8080/newgenlibctxt
ProxyPassReverse /newgenlibctxt http://localhost:8080/newgenlibctxt

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Re: NewGenLib as start up service and customized URL to access OPAC

can the Apache webserver be used as the reverse proxy or are they separate apps? If not, can you recommend a reverse proxy I can use in a Windows environment?
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Re: NewGenLib as start up service and customized URL to access OPAC

Verus Open Source Support
Squid can used as a reverse proxy. Its available for windows also.

On 12/05/2011 06:52 AM, pedroparkero [via NewGenLib] wrote:
can the Apache webserver be used as the reverse proxy or are they separate apps? If not, can you recommend a reverse proxy I can use in a Windows environment?
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