Problem with Java Client at first run

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Problem with Java Client at first run

Hello. I have a problem that I see more than two times here in this forum. After installation, when clicking into the link to start the Java client (downloading the launchapplicantion.jnlp or something like that) it doesn't work, showing 'Unable to launch application' message. What I see is the common failure with the missing Client.jar file.

Why this is happening?

I saw other link to a webpage with two ways for starting the client, but the page is no longer working.

Is there some way to fix this? Could someone put this things into the installation notes? That web space is like dropped out to the forgotten places of the WWW. There are old and not working advices and a lot of things are missing. I already spent like three weeks of killing free time trying to make work this program. It was amazing a couple years ago, and now even being amazing yet, is like fully abandoned for the programmers.