Reservation list

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Reservation list

Good day! I noticed that you cannot view reservations by book and only by Patron Id. I think it's useful to see a book's reservation queue without knowing the Id's of those that reserved it for confirming purposes (e.g., if a patron just asks whether a book is already reserved and if it is, how long the queue is), so please add this alternative way of viewing the queue (by accession number or search catalog).
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Re: Reservation list

Verus Open Source Support
Yes, this feature will be added in Circulation.
A feature "View Reservations" will be added.  In this functionality once a title is selected from the Search Catalogue, all reservations will be shown.

On Thursday 02 February 2012 09:43 AM, pedroparkero [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Good day! I noticed that you cannot view reservations by book and only by Patron Id. I think it's useful to see a book's reservation queue without knowing the Id's of those that reserved it for confirming purposes (e.g., if a patron just asks whether a book is already reserved and if it is, how long the queue is), so please add this alternative way of viewing the queue (by accession number or search catalog).
With great knowledge comes great responsibility.

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