Unable to delete Patron

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Unable to delete Patron

can we delete the old patrons in newgenlib. If no then can we modify them with new patrons.
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Re: Unable to delete Patron

Verus Open Source Support
1. If there are no transaction made by the patron, then the patron can be modified or deleted.
2. If there are any transaction(s) made by the patron then the patron cannot be deleted.
3. You can deactivate the patron if you do not want to see the Id in the Live list.
4. Regarding modifying the patron id, the new update will have the facility to update the Patron id even after the transactions are made. If you need this now, nightly build 18Oct2011(http://sourceforge.net/projects/newgenlib/files/NewGenLib/version3.0.3U1/NightlyBuilds/18Oct2011/web.war/download) has this feature
On 10/19/2011 04:31 PM, vijaykumar [via NewGenLib] wrote:
can we delete the old patrons in newgenlib. If no then can we modify them with new patrons.

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