client Login problem

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client Login problem

Hi, When I open NGL carbon my network client computer that indicate blow...

How can I make data entry on client machines (other than server)
System Analyst
Library Network
Eastern University
Sri Lanka.
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Re: client Login problem

Verus Open Source Support
The server and client system must exactly have the same time to the precision of minutes.
To achieve this, the best way would be

1. Click on the date/time of your Windows OS (Bottom most right corner)
2. Choose the correct time zone
3. Let time be picked up from Internet
4. Repeat the above 3 steps both on server as well as clients

Now, close NewGenLib Server and start again
Close NewGenLib clients and open again

On 11/16/2011 09:36 AM, jaya somu [via NewGenLib] wrote:
Hi, When I open NGL carbon my network client computer that indicate blow...

How can I make data entry on client machines (other than server)

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