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nigthly build

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nigthly build

dear sir

what is nigthly build.

what is purpose. and how to use

plz guide us

thanking you sir
Aratatran Mahapatra
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Re: nigthly build

Verus Open Source Support
Respected Patron,
For example take: NGL 3.0.4 R2 U2
This was released on November 20th. After this release we have added minor features and bug fixes to NGL. To get this features you will have to wait for another 45 days. However for those libraries to whom the added features/bug fixes are very important, they install the nightly builds. Approximately for every 2-3 days a nightly builds are hosted. However please note that nightly builds frequency is only on need basis and does not have any defined frequency
NGL Open Source Support Team

On 12/06/2013 07:39 PM, ATM [via NewGenLib] wrote:
dear sir

what is nigthly build.

what is purpose. and how to use

plz guide us

thanking you sir
Aratatran Mahapatra

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