problem in restoring backup

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problem in restoring backup

Ali Ahammad Taher Hasan
I have taken backup and placed it in the desktop. But when I try to restore it, it is not shown in the desktop. Alternatively when I copy it and place it somewhere else, it is not shown.
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Re: problem in restoring backup

renuka prasad
search in explore >> desktoop "*.sql"

then copy this sql to c drive

4 ಆಗಸ್ಟ್ 2017 03:09 PM ರಂದು, "Ali Ahammad Taher Hasan [via NGL]" <[hidden email]> ಅವರು ಬರೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ:
I have taken backup and placed it in the desktop. But when I try to restore it, it is not shown in the desktop. Alternatively when I copy it and place it somewhere else, it is not shown.

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Re: problem in restoring backup

Ali Ahammad Taher Hasan
Thanks for your reply. I can see it in desktop.But when I try to restore it I cannot find it.Will you please access my PC to look into the matter.